6-1/2″ Evolution ZR Sequence 2-way Part System Energy Dealing with: Peak: 700 watts per pair / 350 watts every RMS: 350 watts per pair / 175 watts every Forged Aluminum Woofer Baskets Butyl Rubber Encompass 2-Method Crossover Community with First Order Low-Cross and Second Order Excessive-Cross Circuit Elevated Body Cooling System 25mm Aluminum Dome Tweeter Polycarbonate Case with ZR Brand Sensitivity: 89.5 dB Frequency Response: 48 Hz – 25 kHz Impedance: 4 Ohms Priced Per Full Part System: 2 midwoofers, 2 tweeters and a pair of crossover networks.
Bluetooth Speaker, Moveable Bluetooth Audio system with Subwoofer Wi-fi Stereo Sound Wealthy Bass Audio system Outside Occasion Speaker Help Distant Management FM Radio LED Lights for House, Journey, Tenting
$42.98 Original price was: $42.98.$39.98Current price is: $39.98.
Acoustic Audio by Goldwood CSic84 Frameless in Ceiling 8" Speaker Pair 3 Manner Dwelling Theater Audio system, White
$87.14 Original price was: $87.14.$73.95Current price is: $73.95.
JL Audio ZR650-CSi 6-1/2″ Evolution ZR Sequence 2-way Part Audio system System (ZR650CSi)
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